$19 New Patient Exam & X-ray

Our new patient special starts with no obligation, confidential exam, consultation, and x-rays for just $19. Our treatment plans aren’t based on a quick exam; we take the time to listen to your needs through constant patient involvement and our dentist’s recommendation to provide the treatment that best fits your needs. Our goal is to earn your trust and develop a long-term relationship. This offer is valid for new patients only. Some restrictions apply. Call for details.

$89 Professional Cleaning

$89 New Patient Special ($379 Value), including exam, x-rays, and regular cleaning (no periodontal disease present). A thorough exam and x-ray will determine if you qualify for regular cleaning or need a deeper cleaning (additional charge). This $89 New Patient Special is only available for patients who do not have dental insurance. However, we do bill out to most carriers. If you have insurance, you can likely get preventative care at no out-of-pocket cost.

$89 Extraction Special

Our $89 special starts with a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation. We’ll treat you with respect and compassion, listen to your unique needs, and work together to create a plan for your mouth. Some restrictions apply. Call for details.